Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Dance - Final outcome + evaluation

Due to my rubbish internet i cant post  the finished video online at this moment, but will look to upload it in the next few days.

Video evaluation

Over all i am happy with the finished video, i still feel like it has a little bit more work that could be done however it isnt that bad. It would have been nice if the beginning bit was a little bit longer as i feel it would make more of an impact that way, but i feel that its different and interesting to watch.  I also feel like we should have had some ambient underwater sound that ran all the way under the film just to give it another layer.  I feel there are some really interesting shots like the 360 ones or from above angles how ever there are some weaker ones that i wish i had framed a little better. There are a couple of continuity errors where we changed shot size and they moved position which we couldn't hide because we didn't get enough verity of that section of dance or if we did it didnt look as good.  I feel the dance dosent tell the story as well as i imagined as it saw it as quite floaty and as a waltz but the director saw it alot on the floor, how ever i did my best to still capture the emotions we wanted despite this.  I also think some of the cuts are quite jumpy as we made the the dance in 4 phrases but then when we put them together the didn't quite match up. I feel when we go back and add bubbles and lighting / lenses flares it will look a lot more finished. But over all, it isnt that bad.

Group evaluation 

I feel for the most part we all worked well as a group, it was nice to work with a group all tried to do the project the best we could  and didnt need telling what to do 100% of the time. I feel at points some of us had to take on a bit more work then we should have as others were struggling but it was not as bad as the other projects i have been in.  I think having a strong and determined group is one of the main things that pushed this project, as we had a lot of complications but for the most part we had a we can do this dont stop attitude which meant in the times we wanted to give up or thought it was never going to happen but as we were all putting so much effort in we didnt want to let each other down.   I think it was helpful that for the most part everyone stuck to there own job rolls and didnt try and interrupt or overstep people so it made it very easy to just focus and get things done, esspecially for me as i have never done this roll before so i could spend time reaserching it rather than worry about risk assments or something stupid.

an actual picture of our group during this project 

My roll evaluation 

This is the first time i have go to do something more creative in a project as i normally end up having to produce things as i get stuff done. All though im not that technical i feel i was the best suited to this role out of our group. I tried my best all though at some point i was like what am i ment to do but thats nothing that a google search couldn't solve. I think i did the role the best i could even though the lighting didnt turn out the way i planned and we couldn't get a slow enough camera to make the slow motion look what i wanted i think alot of the shots turned out ok. I preferred organising and planning how the camera and lighting was going to look rather than having to be on camera as im not that good at it. Having a cameraman as well also alowed me more time to think and get things together as i wasn't having to do like 500 jobs at once.  All though i enjoyed doing something different for a change i think im just going to go back to producing as i find it alot easier, more stressful and boring but i think its what im best suited too. I feel the shot list could he been more organised which was mostly my fault how ever we didn't get to see the dance until the day before we were filming which made it alot harder to try and work out what we wanted to see and what part of the dance needed what shot, how ever as i had a clear vision of what it was going to look like i feel the group trusted me that it was going to be ok.

Over all evaluation 

I feel we tried to take on something ambitious and despite the finished video looking a little different to how we pictured at the start we learnt a lot for all of the research we had to do.  After all  "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." James Cameron.  I feel we all pushed myself to make this the best i could as alot of the work i have made so far hasnt been as good as i would have like and i felt like i wasnt achieving things to a good enough standard making me doubt myself, how ever fighting for this project to work despite all of its problems gave me alot more confidence. I feel the bad continuity at times allowed me and Lauren to make harsh decisions as what to keep and get rid, which thought us that all though things might not be how we like i dosent make it bad. I feel the decision to take the time to focus on the edit / dissertation proposal and come back to the effects when we have more time was a good one as i didnt want any of us taking out too much work and it becoming stressful like it did in other projects.  Over all i think i learnt a lot from this project and from the whole year despite how stressful and upsetting it has been at times, i have mainly learnt how to work better with people by being more confident in myself or decisions i make. I think the work i am making is slowly becoming better and more to a standard i like and hopefully with a great team next year we will make something really good.  

"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize." Robert Hughes 

( i have a lot of tacky quotes like this as  i was sending them to people to keep them motivated ahaha) 

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