Friday, 25 September 2015

Beyond the boundaries - Lyric breakdown

I went through some of the songs by the band and picked out lyrics i liked and thought of how they could help us develope a story - 

  • (lyric ) Pleasure now will justify our love  - ( idea for the story )  takes drugs so he can see her, has to do it becuase he is addicted to her 
  • Am I loving the girl / or the feeling I feel? /Is it just the idea that I like / or is it for real? - dosent know whats real or isnt or what he loves more 
  • Her presence gone, memories remain / of how she kissed and turned me on /Now there's this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me /And I still have dull aching pain / desire to reach and touch you once again - drug fades real life is boring when she isnt around 
  • No wonder you're looking thin/When all that you live on is lipgloss and cigarettes. /And scraps at the end of the day - they look kind of scruffy and rough 
  • and it was just like being in an aquarium except it was all the shoppers and office-workers that were floating passed the window instead of fish - hates his job feels like he is drowing 
  • There's nothing to do so you just stay in bed,oh poor thing/Why live in the world when you can live in your head?  - why stay in the world when you can live in your head is a good line 
  • If fashion is your trade then when you're naked I guess you must be unemployed yeah. - jarvis could say to mock debbie 
  • She doesn't have to go to work but she doesn't want to stay in bed Cause it's changed from something comfortable to something else instead. - morning after  not as remembered 
  • I feel as if my whole life has been leading to this one moment. /And as I touch your shoulder tonight this room has/become the centre of the entire universe. So what do I do? I've got a slightly sick feeling in my stomach /Like I'm standing on top of a very high building oh yeah./All the stuff they tell you about in the movies /but this isn't chocolate boxes and roses. /It's dirtier than that, like some small animal that only comes out at night. /And I see flashes of the shape of your breasts and the curve of your belly /And they make me have to sit down and catch my breath.  - good discription could write something simmilar when he meets debbie 
  • Well we were born within one hour of each other. /Our mothers said we could be sister and brother. /Your name is Deborah. Deborah. It never suited ya. - familiar face  
  • I know we'll never meet again but I want you to know/Want you to know that I remember every single thing. - when she fades he still remembers her 
  • Not dead, just sleeping Sleeping /And you will never wake again. - over doses, pete tries to save him jarvis says this in naration 
  • When you think you're treading water, but you're just learning how to drown. - same as the fish one 
  • You are the last drink I never should drunk. You are the body hidden in the trunk. You are the habit I can't seem to kick. You are my secrets on the front page every week. You are the car I never should have bought. You are the train I never should have caught. You are the cut that makes me hide my face. You are the party that makes me feel my age. - realises debbie is bad and regrets it 
  • I was three weeks late coming out of the womb,In no great rush to join the rest of mankind - i just like this line 
  • I love your body Cos I've lost my mind. If you want someone to talk to; You're wasting your time-  addicted to her too much that he over doses 
  • I never said I was deep But I am profoundly shallow. My lack of knowledge is vast & my horizons are narrow.
  • I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink But now I'm insecure and I care what people think - jarvis is sad 
  • I ponder of something great My lungs will fill and then deflate They fill with fire, exhale desire I know it's dire my time today 

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