This isnt a normal bit of pre production how ever as our project contains a lot of effects that need planning and the fact we are all visual people who havent worked with traditional scripts before i thought it would simplify it for everyone, and hopefully stop us going round in circles wasting time.
All thought it is not a traditional way of writing a script i was doing what was best for the project as a producer to get the work flowwing, especially as the dialogue itself isnt as important as the over all theme. We plan to come back to the script and work bits out and put it into a traditional format later.
This script focuses more on the description of what is happening spelling out clearly the effect, the style, how it gets from a-b, i feel like the ending isnt quite resolved and some of the diolouge isnt very good but we plan to come back to it.
As we can now get on with our tasks using this script it means, when we come back to it we will be less pressed for time and able to think it through clearly. I think one of the problems lucy had when writing it is she was seeing it shots and a directors point of view, coming back to it means lucy will have got most of the directors work out of the way and we can focus clearly on the story.
I tried to make this script less complicated, focusing on the experimental aspects, and concept rather than complex characters and there backgrounds to convay a message simply.
As i was writing the script i showed it to tom and lauren who gave me this feedback
The following day we had a group meeting where we discused the script and where we are going next with it, we all agreed it was much easier to read from a visuals point of view, but the ending needs some work.
How ever this meant we could break down the script, start fundrasing, get requirements ETC that are necessary to film, lucy said that we would have to change the shot list/storyboard when we do the ending, how ever thats a lot easier to do than have no money or equipment.
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