Sunday, 18 October 2015

Boyand the boundaries (BTB) - Script comparison

During the summer i wrote the initial script for our film, when we came back from the summer me and lucy went through the script and have since then been making changes.  I thought i would upload some of the scripts we have so far and compare and analysis them as we have been doing.

This is the first script i started writing over the summer, Lucy thought that pete needed to be introduced before debbie to get some context of there relationship. After some discusion we thought it might be intersting to make it an installation, this would me making the story so it all take places in one room and the effects gradually develop in the room over time.

This is the script lucy then wrote, all though very well structured and thought out i felt that the dialogue wasn't very realistic, the story was to complex and it wasnt showcasing what we wanted to show very well so i went and made some changes.

i wrote it this was as i thought it flowed easier and we could do some weird effects with it, however lucy thought it removed alot of the plot points and the ending wasnt very good. We decided we need to clarify the meaning we wanted out of the film. We decided we wanted to show how people can be adicted to any thing.  lucy then went away and wrote this version

After reading this version is till thought the story was to complex for what we are going for, as our main focus is on the effects of the addiction and the film will only be 15 mins long i thought it was trying to achive and develope to much in that time. i thought it was a good script but something that needed longer to allow the characters to develop properly making some of the diolouge corny at times.

I am going to get feedback on the versions of this scripts before moving on as i feel like we could keep going in circles for weeks going between me and lucy.

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